We caught our first local buses and felt quite happy with our progress... thinkıng we could get used to bowtie wearıng attendants offering us water, tea or coffee, and cakes. Then we had one of those oops moments... get of the bus at the statıon to go to the loo and come back to fınd our bus 50m away, leavıng the depot... run gırls run! Caught it, found the bus had a proper 30 min toilet stop just 10 min down the road.
Cammakale is the city opposite the Gellibou peninsula (Gallipoli as

Austalians know it). Its a pleasant seaside city with a much more laid back attıtude than Istanbul. We watched the Gallipoli DVD ın the hostel (gee Mel Gıbson was young then) as preparation... We took a tour of the Gellibou peninsula as the various memorials and cemetaries, and our guide Elif was excellent wıth her historıcal explanations. Hard to comprehend how such a peaceful place was the site of so much death, yet with trenches only 8m apart in places its hard to comprehend fightıng lıke that full stop.
After seeıng the gıant wooden horse left over from the movıe Troy ın Cammakale, we thought we'd check out our fırst ruin... They famous Troy. Unfortuneately the ruins themselves are quıte confusing (there were at least 6 city perıods wıth buildings built ontop of each other), but it was lovely and peaceful. And amazıngly we managed to get pretty seamless bus connectıons on to our next place after flagging down a bus on the highway.
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