Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I've had a fantastic trip, and hope anyone who's dropped in to read this blog has enjoyed seeing a bit of the wonderful places I've visited.
Hasta luego amigos!
Rapa Nui... (Easter Island in English!)
I quickly found a hostel from the airport info desk, and we were picked up and given a quick tour of town by the owner before being dropped back at the hostel. I spent most of my time on the
Next day, after visiting the tourist office, picking up some maps and written guides (and booking our tour for the next day), we headed along the coast in the opposite direction, and up to the volcano and the ceremonial town of Orongo. This route took us past more toppled moai, a small port, a garden of native
OK some history/myths before I go further.... the island was first inhabited by people (probably polynesian) of a "sunken land" who came in double canoes. There was thought to be a second wave of immigration or possibly slaves
Its thought that this moai manufacture and transport led to dramatic deforestation and erosion on the island. And in turn to interclan and class rivalry, where diminishing resources led to clan wars, and eventually all the moai were toppled and several ahus destroyed. (So those we see standing on ahus have all been restored and are not original, just as the grassy and largely treeless land that we see today is
Another religion sprang up (or may have coexisted with the earlier statue building) known as the birdman cult. This centred around a man from each tribe competing in a yearly competion to climb up and down the cliffs, and swim out and get the first egg from a small island of the coast. The winning tribe then had the right to be the dominant tribe for the year, with the winner given a special title and power over
Ok... next day we went on a tour round the island with Patricio (our excellent guide) in his old cream combi, visiting various sites along the coast. He did a great job of explaining things, pointing out carvings, unique moai and other things we would otherwise have missed.
Onto the bay where a tsunami swept the statues inland in the 60s, but which now has a line of moai re-erected by the Japanese in return for rights for a crane ad! And onto the only real white sand beach of the island, which was home
Before leaving I also visited the museum which was quite informative, wandered thru souvenir shops and visited a local school festival. Saw turtles down in the harbour, watched surfers, and watched a fisherman fillet his two 25 kg yellowfin tunas. Lovely place to relax at the end of a
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Valparaiso and the coast
Valparaiso is on the coast, about an hour and a half away from Santiago along a wildflower lined road that takes you thru some of Chile's wine country.
It is a twin city with Vina del Mar, meaning that their suburbs merge at some point along the coast, but to me Vina is a rich person's playground but soulless, whereas Valparaiso shines
Yeah, its the upper suburbs in the hills reached by stairs or "ascensors" (think of a trolley car system thats rails head up cliffs at maybe 60 degree angle or more) that are the real charmers... with stunning views across the bay and surrounding suburbs. And all the colourfully painted houses and street art that dots the lanscape and make it a real pleasure to explore.
Theres definitely dirtier pockets, and the lower town becomes a bit threatening at night when all the shops roller shutters come down, leaving sections deserted. But its a working port town, so you'd expect it to be a bit rough. Oddly theres a lot of punks (seem heaps in Chile) and apparently according to one of their signs punk is now 30.... Chile is definitely quite retro... breakdancing kids and mohawks on the other hand!
Up the coast
Christian from the youth hostel had a hire car (long story) and was looking for takers to go on a day trip up the coast, which I thought sounded great. So four of us headed off... to check out the coast, have a fresh seafood lunch, and wander along some beaches.
After admiring the pelicans and the beach, we headed further up the coast, eventually reaching lovely white sand beach and chilled out beach resort area about an hour further north. Saved the best
My time was up, so back to Santiago to fly out to easter island, (which is also part of Chile.)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cycling Bolivias ¨Death¨ road
I went with a fairly new Bolivian company called b-side, who had
Anyway great fun, pity about the weather obscuring the views. Actually I`m a bit sad about leaving Bolivia... I`ve really grown to like it and its chaos. Only a week in Chile, Easter Island and then home now.
Another thing to winge about... dropped the camera and busted the LCD screen, so although I can take photos framing them is rather hit and miss now.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So I´m not a mountaineer...
After collecting all the ice climbing gear at
Oh well, I can now say I´ve hiked up snow and ice with crampons and an icepick, and know enough to definitely say that those who climb Everest are NUTS!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I flew into to Santa Cruz and found myself sweating profusely in the bus into town... from pleasant mid twenties weather in Sucre to 38 and humid. Thats lowlands for you.
Santa Cruz is Bolivias biggest city, and also probably the most affluent one, and hasnt much in the way of tourist attractions other than a pleasant town square. So I passed straight thru on my first day, and came back for half a day later to explore before catching a bus on. Nice and tropical to wander around, too much traffic would be my summary!
Straight from the airport I went to a shared taxi service to visit Samiapata, a nice town with some impressive hilltop rock inca ruins about 3 hours out of Santa Cruz. While I was waiting for enough people for a shared taxi, my big backpack dissappeared from where I left it. Stress. I found out from a taxi driver that it had been loaded into a taxi along with the bags from a large family group... better than being stolen, but with no way to contact them, I was left hoping to 1) catch up with the taxi onway to Samaipata or 2) hope that they´d realise and leave my bag at the taxi
centre. Luckily I shared the next taxi with a lovely Bolivian couple who chatted to me and kept my mind off my bag. Amazingly we did catch up with the taxi and bag just at the town entrance... So how freaky is that- chasing your bag across the country.
Samaipata is a lovely laid back colonial town, with friendly locals, good food and of course those mysterious ruins. I met these 3 girls, and shared dinner, a taxi and tour which was nice. The site is definitely atmospheric, but odd with all the carved grooves, seats and recesses presumeably for mummies or offerings. Also ran into Miles after last seeing him in Peru!
There was also a small zoo which I walked out to, and found myself becoming the climbing frame for friendly monkeys and other animals... stop licking my knee wild pig!
When it came to getting back to Santa Cruz, I was planning on catching a passing microbus, but got invited by two merry Bolivian truck drivers to share the ride along with three Swiss girls. Service with a smile, roadside peaches and unfortunately for me too many bends which made me a bit carsick.
Villa Tunari
Theres this wildlife refuge run staffed mainly by volunteers that has rescued large cats, monkeys, a bear and more, that I saw on the internet. To be a volunteer you need to stay a minimum of 2 weeks so with that out I decided to drop in and have a look for an afternoon instead. What I found was a small town on the side of the highway and a lovely refuge overrun by friendly volunteers. Two looking after a Bolivian bear (endangered), and many more looking after cats, monkeys and birds. I spent a few hours watching and playing with their monkeys, and chatting to volunteers.
On to another major Bolivian city on my way back to La Paz, and this one known for its large sprawling market, and its palace built for a tin barron. I checked out the markets succumbing to another woven blanket-rug, lots of fruit juices, and nibbles too. The palace was stunning with a gorgeous interior and lovely gardens, and rather out of place in Bolivia as it wasnt colonial style... supposedly based on Versaille. But it really showed just how much money was made from mining here... all imported marble, furniture and statues, silk wallpaper etc.
A few more photos when I get a chance
And for a change of pace I went to see some dinosaur footprints... yeah, the local cement factory were quarrying when they uncovered a whole slab of footprints going up a almost vertical wall. It used to be a muddy swampy area near a lake apparently, but a volcanic eruption covered it with protective ash, and the plates tilted rather a lot. Odd.
And just before I was leaving, I ran into a wierd parade around the town square... dancing teenagers followed by decorated cars..
Friday, October 19, 2007
Potosi - silver mines
Since its glory days, Potosi is now in trouble after 500yrs of mining the quality of ore is not great and hardly economic... it relies on tin and lead at the moment, and the forecast reserve is for these is only another 10 to 20 years.
Anyway I wandered round town, checking out the beautiful colonial buildings, churches, convents etc. (Nuns also led an odd life I discovered, being shut away behind wooden doors and only allowed to speak to
Well, first of all we got all suited up cos its dusty and dirty down the mines (quite probably poisonous too with the lead and arsenic...). Then we went to learn basic bomb making in the miners market... where anyone (yes kids, foreigners, anyone) can buy supplies of dynamite, ignition fuses and other materials that help make bigger bangs! Of course you can also get face masks,
Then down the mine for 2-3 hours, through the maze of tunnels that have been carved in the mountain. No real planning here...
At the end our guide demonstrated how the dynamite works... so casually lighting it and then handing it round with a burning fuse for photos (see
On a different note I caught a micro out to a wierd hot springs up a mountain in this beautiful valley. It was a little freaky cos I was the only one there, and the guidebooks warned about the dangers of swimming there. Its this round green pool, volcanic with really steep sides that just dropoff, and no ones quite sure how deep it is but it gets hotter the deeper you go. And bubble come up in the
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tupiza...wild west?
What I discovered when I ventured out was that it was market day, so I spent a few hours wandering along looking, and sampling some of the saltenas (like pasties - mainly potato with a bit of chicken and spice), tamales (corn balls with llama meat inside),
Then up to the lookout to see how the town is nestled between red and greenish grey spectacular rocky mountain ranges. And I couldnt help but notice how much warmer it is than La Paz or Uyuni... spose the lower elevation helps. I then decided to explore one of the canyons nearby, so I headed up this valley which narrowed with stunning red rock formations on both sides. It was fun following the canyon, discovering wierd
Monday, October 15, 2007
Salt flats, volcanoes, deserts, lakes and flamingos
After a bumpy overnight bus ride down to Uyuni (I had wanted to go by train in the day, but it was
I´d already signed up for a 3 day tour in a 4wd in La Paz, and I found myself in a very ¨international¨ car with 2 Canadians, 2 italians, a Columbian, and our Bolivian driver and cook. We headed out to the train graveyard, and then out to the salt flat and this small town that used to be a railway town but now barely survives refining salt. No shortage of salt of course, just its hardly
From there we went further south, into
So what a trip! Spectacular scenery, lovely people, good food... all i´d say is it would be nice to be able to spend a bit longer at some of the places! Next time hey... But I`m not as crazy as some who were riding