Sunday, December 03, 2006

02 Dec 06 - Ciudad de Mexico

We finally escaped the Yucatan Peninsula, and arrived in Mexico City (D.F. - Distrito Federal) and were greeted by the smog and the overwhelming mass of humanity that tries to sell you everything ... we mean EVERYTHING. The beggars will even go so far as to bring crushed glass into the train and lie down on their stomachs and backs on half-broken bottles for a couple of pesos!

Cruising down the canals of Xochimilco in colourful trajineras while Mariachi bands croon from another boat, and corona sellers or photographers vie for your business.... a relaxing day, but still with that Mexico City seething humanity edge to it.

Mexican Wrestling at its finest... unfortunately no cameras allowed inside... Karen is still not a fan, but Phil recommends it HIGHLY!!! Loads of fun, drop-kicks, flying piledrivers, off-the-top-turnbuckle-fun.... if you´ve seen American Professional Wrestling, and you like mask-wearing lycra-clad men.... you´ll love this!!! We were treated to five tag-team bouts... the first a two-on-two bout, the remainder, 3-on-3 including the infamous Dr. Wagner (that´s his mask I´m wearing!)

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