We had an interesting, and very scenic 5 hour bus ride from Flores down to Coban, which is pretty much in the centre of Guatemala. Phil spent a recovery day in Coban (still coughing and spluttering from a cold from El Salvador), while I took a package trip to Semuc Champey... beautiful river rock pools, and a cave to explore. The rock pools were vibrantly blue, and interestingly the main river flowed underneath them - through a cavern beneath.

Just down the river, there´s a cave system that you get to climb, wade and swim through with candles providing the only light. I took the waterproof bag (and camera) with me, and used it to float... saving my candle from the soggy deaths several others suffered. It was definitely something that OH&S wouldnt allow at home!
Sounds nice. Was it anything like The Cave? Phil knows what I'm talking about... (You do, right? That totally crap film set in a cave?)
What do you mean crap? That film had everything... it had divers, rebreathers, and divers using rebreathers... also climbing equipment and stupidly attractive women who wouldn`t want to break a nail let alone try to vanquish some mutated human type monsters to stop them reaching the surface and further contaminating the human race. It rates up there with ¨Deep Blue Sea¨
Deep Blue Sea. Also in my collection. Check out my review at nicksfilmandbookreviews.blogspot.com
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