Today we walked through Central Park to the Guggenheim.... it's wet, drizzly and we found the odd peculiarity of New Yorkers to wear gumboots everywhere, with either dresses, suits, around Museums or pretty much anywhere!
The Guggenheim itself is an impressive building, but it's undergoing renovations, and the exterior is scaffolded. It was also having a change of exhibit, so there was just two galleries open for viewing - one of which was Modern Art. The highlight for Phil was seeing cardboard boxes flattened out into different shapes and stuck on the wall - titled "Cardbirds". I'll never understand Modern Art - I really won't.
Following the Guggenheim, we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met) - which we both found much more impressive! Greek pottery, sculpture, european masters (Rembrandt, Botticelli, etc), Medieval Arms & Armour, American Historical Pieces including a famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware. There were the ubiquitous Egyptian artefacts all displyaed immaculately within quite an awesome building! Karen found the pick of the crop with a Punk Rock display of costumes that included a black dress complete with full-headed bird mask, complete with beak and also mannequins dressed in Punk outfits with mohawks made of cigarettes or tampons@! (I'll put the photos up soon)
This evening, we went to Cirque du Soleil (Corteo) on Randall's Island. Thanks for the tickets Mil! There's a special event bus (X80) that leaves from 125th St and Lexington Ave, where we had the weirdest McDonald's dinner ever... Not so much for the food, but for the loony woman singing Stevie Wonder and yelling at her friends across the restaurant... there's more than a few weirdos in this neighbourhood. Cirque itself was an awesome show as always, including a midget suspended in mid-air by five large helium balloons - not far away from dwarf-tossing!!
Coming home we walked along 125th St, on the bottom edge of Harlem, where we came across a "gang" of African American guys all dressed in their colours - on closer inspection they were all adorned in the 'Star of David' - turned out to be Jewish Ceremonial robes - bizarre mix of people this town.
On an aside, Melbourne and NYC have all the same radio frequencies! Is there a physics reason for this, or just Melb copying New York??