Sunday, April 30, 2006

Silo Commissioning

Hi there,
It's the last day in April, Karen's been commissioning all day and I'm wasting time getting this site up and running. If it's all gone to plan, Kaz will have a 230 kL silo in place (long day - 0530 until 2330 thus far and counting....) I daresay she'll be tired when she gets home...

And the bonus will be... another Rabies vaccination shot in the morning!!!

But looks like things'll be a go to do 4 weeks volunteer work at the Smithsonian Research Institute on Barro Colorado Island in the Panama Canal...

(Need to post a good map of each country)

Anyway, just thought I'd try out the posting and get started.
Talk to you soon



Colin said...

Ok. Silo commissioning? I need to know. My first association was missile silo, but then the rabies vac. would only make sense if you're working with Condaleeza. I hope you're planning to say more about what you're up to. It sounds interesting.


Karen and Phil said...

Hi Colinsky (are you someone we know?)

Two things:
1. The silo commissioning refers to a new milk silo... Karen works for a dairy product company.

2. The rabies shot is for upcoming volunteer work during our trip.

As for Condoleeza, I can't make any statement as to whether she has rabies or not. (I'm guessing not.) By the way, if your first inkling is that of a missile silo, then you're obviously a conspiracy theorist. I can't think of any government that would allow anyone to publicly discuss missile silo commissionings on a blog. You sound like a nutter. Tell us more about you.

Colin said...

Well, it was more of a medical opinion than a political one, Buddha. I thought the word 'bonus' implied a connection and so was curious. Yeah, I'm probably a nutter, Karen and Phil. I was just grazing blogs and yours was the first one that was not some kind of bot trolling for goodness knows what, so I thought I'd say 'hello'. I could've Googled an answer, but thought it would be more fun this way. It was. Good luck on your trip. I'll leave you alone now.